Member Benefits
New Jersey Business Club is an
organization of companies in New Jersey whose purpose is to provide
increased visibility and other benefits for member companies, and a
site where the individual member can find out more about these companies. In addition
the individual can find out about any specials that are being offered by member companies.
Individual Membership is FREE
Looking for a Job in New Jersey?
Looking for Specials in your area?
Like to try a new Restaurant?
Like to find a Florist, Dry Cleaner, Beauty Salon, Deli, Contractor
or another service provider in your area? Then Read On:
You can locate companies by County or Category,
or you can search for a company by entering its name in the search
window. Once you have located the company or companies that are of interest to you,
you can view the company's page for more detailed information. For
companies that have a web site, you will find a link for their site
on their company information page.
If you are looking for a great restaurant,
you can select the restaurant category and then choose a cuisine,
or view all restaurants. If the restaurant you select is running a special,
you will see more information on the restaurant's detail page.
If you are looking for a job, click
on Jobs, and you will see the job openings that company members have posted.
If you would like to be automatically notified
about specials in your area, sign up for our free individual membership,
and indicate the counties that are closest to you. You will not be bombarded with E-Mails, but you will receive a
single E-Mail each week that will include information about all companies
in your area that are offering a special product or pricing promotion.
For more information regarding any specials
that interest you, just click on the link in the E-Mail, and it will
take you to the details. You can also visit and get information
on all current specials. If you would like to become a member, click on Join/Login.
If you have any questions, please Contact Us
If you are a corporate visitor and would like
more information about company membership, click on Company
Home Page